10 More Days!

There are only 10 more days until I take flight on my biggest adventure yet!

I can’t say I’ve started packing or feel close to being prepared, but I think I have the most important things ready: my backpack, suitcase, camera, laptop, journal, and mind. I really don’t think many people would be fully prepared to pack up only the necessities and travel for four months, especially for their first time.

I am typically someone who plans everything down to the second, but for this trip I am stepping back from all that. I want to be open to embrace any adventure that crosses my path, as I know that will be the best way for me to fully immerse myself in a new culture.

Through yoga, I have learned to be present in the moment. It has become my daily mantra. Be Present. When I step onto my yoga mat I know that for the next hour and a half I will be in that two-foot by six-foot area. In this space, I have strengthened my body and mind to focus solely on the present.

As I flow through my salutations and poses, whenever I land in ‘airplane’ I focus on being strong and still, knowing that the deep concentration in that moment will keep me safe and aware. I will use my mantra as I take on the next four months. Adventure is truly out there and I can’t wait to see what each moment has in store.

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